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Traffic Control Equipment – A Breakdown

Road Crossing

Traffic Control Equipment – A Breakdown

When it comes to events that may disrupt the usual flow of traffic, roadwork that requires traffic diversion or even just general day-to-day traffic control, having the right tools is essential. Effective traffic management relies on planning, strategy and many different pieces of equipment. But what exactly are these pieces of signage, what do they mean and how are they beneficial?


There are many different signs that are used when traffic needs to be managed, from Regulatory Signs such as speed signs, to Warning Signs that advise us of potential animals on the road, such as kangaroos or cattle.

Warning Signs

These signs are used to advise driver of conditions that require caution, speed reduction and additional attention. These signs are general diamond shaped with a black legend or symbol, or both, and a black border on a yellow background. Some examples of these signs are Road Humps Ahead, Low Clearance, and Kangaroo or Stock Warning Signs.

Regulatory Signs

Speed Limit Signs are an example of Regulatory Signs; they advise drivers about traffic laws or regulations. These signs are long rectangles with a white background and a black legend.

Hazard Signs

Hazard Signs are used to indicate a change in the direction of traffic flow, and the presence and width of an obstruction. These signs are generally rectangular, with black and white bands in either diagonal stripes or chevrons. There are four types of Hazard Signs: 

  1. Uni-directional Hazard Marker: Used to guide traffic in the direction indicated by the chevrons.
  2. Bi-directional Hazard Marker: Used to direct drivers either side of an obstruction, such as an island
  3. Width Marker: Used to mark either side of a vertical obstruction, such as a bridge; and
  4. Obstruction Marker: Used to define obstructions above the road, such as road closures. 

Roadside Products

Posts, fittings and LED signage products are used to make people aware of anything that may be happening on the road or any upcoming hazards, particular during roadwork, construction and maintenance and on roads with minimal lighting, such as country roads. These products include: 

Road Edge Guide Post

Often used on country roads where there may be unsealed shoulders, or bends in the road that are hard to navigate at night time.

Permanent and Temporary Raised Pavement Markers

These are often used as a guide for drivers, allowing them to review the road ahead, as well as to see better in harsh weather and low-light conditions.

Guardrail Delineator

Used to make guardrails more visible to drivers, particularly in inclement weather or low light. 

LED Signage

Used to provide relevant and timely messages or information to drivers to inform them of the conditions ahead, such as a change in speed limit, hazards on the road or road closures.

Roadside products also include things such as traffic cones, pedestrian barricades, and metal and plastic crowd barriers.

Ensuring traffic flows smoothly, no matter the hazard, obstruction or road conditions, is imperative to keeping drivers and traffic controllers’ safe. The different equipment that we use all has different uses, but together, these signs will keep traffic and pedestrians controlled and safe. For more information about traffic control in Sydney or Perth, contact WARP Group today!

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Our Traffic Control Officers are one of the key factors in WARP Traffic Managements success. All our staff are MRWA accredited and extensively trained by WARP Training with a substantial number holding Advanced Worksite Traffic Management tickets.